Continuing Education Requirements for Alabama Psychologists (And How to Stay on Track)

As a licensed psychologist in the state of Alabama, it is your responsibility to adhere to continuing education requirements each year in order to renew your license. Beyond license renewal being key to you maintaining your practice, continuing education is essential to stay abreast of what is happening in psychology – something your clients will always appreciate you taking seriously. Education is how we all continue to learn and further hone our skills and expertise, so it’s certainly something to be celebrated. Though education is fantastic, keeping on track with the many hours you need to fulfill can be a challenge. Thankfully, there is a fantastic resource available to help you with that. Before we dive into the resource, let’s start by outlining what is required of Alabama psychologist in order to renew their license each year.

Licensee Requirements for Alabama Psychologists

In the state of Alabama, psychologists are required to meet a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education from an approved agency or through courses that meet the expectations of the American Psychology Association (APA) Board. There are many agencies that are vetted and approved by the APA, making it simple to fulfill your education requirements with them.

Alabama psychologists must complete their continuing education requirements between October 1 and September 30, with proof submitted by the October 15 annual renewal date. If you have surpassed the number of hours needed in a given year, you can carry-over a maximum of six hours to the next renewal period, but those additional hours cannot be used again the following year (meaning, if you had an additional 12, you cannot roll over six one year and the remaining six the following).

Key Takeaways:

  • Alabama psychologists need a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education annually in order to renew their licenses
  • Proof of continued education must be submitted by the October 15 annual renewal date

Given psychologists are likely to achieve their continuing education certificates in increments, from various workshops, conventions, agencies, and institutions, there is a lot of documentation to keep track of (likely 20 or more certificates throughout the course of the year). As proof is required when you apply for renewal, it’s imperative you keep all of those certificates in a safe place – easily accessible and easy to track your progress. CE Hub is the safe place you need to work through your continuing education with ease.

What is CE Hub?

CE Hub is an app built specifically for psychologists. Recognizing the difficulty that is storing continuing education certificates and keeping track of your hours, CE Hub was created to take the stress out of continuing education requirements. Instead of worrying throughout the year that you may not be on track, or perhaps that you may have lost a document or two, CE Hub provides you the peace of mind you need to enjoy the learning process. Using the platform is simple: you sign up, upload your continuing education certificates as you obtain them, then CE Hub handles the rest. Your hours and certificates are tracked, then you are notified when it’s time to submit for your renewal – something you’ll never have to monitor yourself again. Alleviate the stress of continuing education requirements by taking advantage of CE Hub today!

Disclaimer: this content is for informational purposes only. Licensees should always confirm their continuing education requirements with their respective governing agency. In the state of Alabama, Psychologists can clarify anything about their license by contacting the Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology at the number (334) 242-4127 or by emailing them at

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