We Take The ‘Searching’ Out of Continuing Education Certificates – Ask Joe Sanok

You’re seriously missing out if you haven’t heard about Joe Sanok – just as you are if you haven’t downloaded our CE Hub App, but we’ll get to that later! Joe Sanok is a counselor, business consultant, podcaster behind Practice of the Practice, and he is also an author. He just released his latest book, “Thursday is the New Friday”, where he advocates for working fewer hours, making more money, and spending time doing what you want. 

Therefore, it should be no surprise that he is one of CE Hub App’s biggest fans. Our App helps clinical psychologists, counselors, therapists, and academics just like yourself better manage your time, giving you one less thing to spend meaningless hours on. CE Hub helps you conveniently store all of your continuing education documents and allows you to track your progress along the way for when it’s time for your license renewal or audit. 

Continuing Education Certificates All In One Spot

If there’s one person you’d like a nod of approval from when it comes to productivity and innovative ways to work smarter – and not harder – Joe Sanok is who you’d want to ask. So we went ahead and did it. We asked him to test our App and give us constructive feedback on how he handled it and what he thought we could improve. This is what he had to say:

“I don’t know if you’re like me, but I remember the days of franticly looking for my continuing education paperwork, going through files, and they just were everywhere. They were scattered, and I would move, and it was just such a nightmare! 

I’m so excited about this new App because it brings it all together in one spot, where if you move, or if you aren’t sure where it is, or if you ever get audited, or if you just need to know where you stand – it’s bringing together something that’s been such a pain, that can now actually be something you can easily keep track of.” 

Continuing Education Certificates Have a New Home

We’d love to hear your thoughts on how you experience the CE Hub App, as we’ve only just recently launched, but we have gone through extensive testing and trialing. So we’re not looking for ‘guinea pigs’; we’re looking for mental health professionals who have taken the searching out of continuing education and kept everything in the palm of their hand. 

Perhaps you have a funny story to share, or maybe you’re one of those meticulous people who can tell us precisely to the second how much time you’ve saved with the CE Hub App. Whatever your story or experience with us, get in touch or leave a review and who knows, you could be in our next feature too! 

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